Today Nintendo made a big reveal of the Switch 2. much of a reveal as one can do without actually using words which is that classic Nintendo level of vague. You can check out the trailer here.
It's not a bad trailer though, if you look past the part that it uses Mario Kart 8 (which came out in 2014) as a demo game and that the parts where the pink bits form, combined with the unnecessary wet sounds, caused my stomach to absolutely do flips, it does confirm some good things.
One of the first things they show off is the screen size which, I'm sorry, I know this is big for a lot of people but I genuinely could not care less. The Switch is a portable system to me and if I want a big screen I'll drop it in the dock. I still play Mother 3 on my Game Boy Micro, I can hang with a small screen. But it does clearly have a larger screen which, honestly, makes me wonder how portable this bad boy is gonna be.
They showed off the kickstand which made me genuinely excited. I love the portability of the Nintendo Switch but I HATE the kickstand. I remember I was on jury duty for a VERY long time, and I remember me and one of my fellow juror's playing co-op Cuphead and the screen falling over every time someone bumped the table until I bought one of those stands for holding books and documents. The kickstand the width of the entire thing looks like a great idea. Though, I wonder how many people are going to break their kickstand trying to emulate the trick shown in the trailer where they bend the kickstand back and it causes the Switch to go flying up into the air.
The Joy-Cons themselves seem to be a point of contention on the internet. Personally, I love them. They remind me of the Wii U which, in my opinion, had the most comfortable layout of any controller in my life. The wide areas that make the Joy-Cons plug in look good too with the exception of that massive chip that sits on both sides of the screen.
A lot of people seem to be convinced, despite lack of hands on experience, that that chip is gonna get absolutely destroyed. Hopefully that's not the case. My hope is that they use the sort of magnetic connection that MacBooks use for their power cables.
We're not going to find out more about it until this coming April 2nd, but here's hoping Nintendo continues to read the comments and work out some of the worries people have because this could be a fantastic time for them to shine. Also, Nintendo, if you're reading this (which, first off, hello) please promote it with a Switch 2 game reveal and not the oldest damn Switch game.
NOTE: It was brought to my attention that people believe this might be a new Mario Kart and, it could be, but damn if it doesn't look like a game that came out in 2014.
I was a bit underwhelmed but I love Nintendo . I look forward to what games they have in the works.